I passed all my classes. Hurrah, hurrah. Now I just have a semester left and voila, I’m done.


The Cali Supreme Court has accepted to hear a case involving a high school student who was arrested and sentenced for writing violent poetry.
I’m a terrorist.
I hate George Bush.
He is the devil’s spawn
and Allah
just doesn’t like him. Now,
arrest me damn it.
/end bad poetry


I’m redoing the new blackglass layout. It’s not dark enough, and I think I sat on it too long. If I’m not inspired today I’ll put up the layout just because the domain is desperate for an update. It’s just frustrating. Sometimes I wish I could come up with something different and amazing and gothicky cool. hehe


There’s nothing like a good episode that makes you grin like a kid. Tonight’s Angel qualifies as such. It had everything, sarcasm, scary moments, funny moments, and some weird bonding.
For some reason I enjoy a moody Angel more than a cheerful one. Probably because of the way he was acting around Cordelia. He has this genuine love and concern for her and Connor, yet some of his comments tonight were brutal, especially the ending. And I loved it. I didn’t expect him to kick her out per se.
The episode itself was interesting. Even though Lilah is a cold-hearted bitch, it’s obvious she has strong feelings for Wesley. I liked that he rescued her, and I felt rather bad for her that he left, but only a little.
Connor needs to grow up and sleep with someone his own age.
The Wesley/Gunn conflict cracked me up, though I’m wondering. Gunn wasn’t upset that Wes took baby Connor, yet it’s interesting that he used it as an excuse to cover for the fact that he’s extremely jealous, even territorial. Wes on the other hand seems a bit less moody, and I like him this way. I will miss his ‘escapades’ with Lilah though, but not the Fred fetish.
Fred was just there, as was Lorne.
The Big Bad is scary. I think he’s one of the scariest big bads out of both seasons, but then again I have yet to see what the First Evil is really like. The fact that he decimated Wolfram and Hart reminded me of the end of The Watcher’s Council. Is this the end of the evil firm, and how do such major denouments to two entities factor into the whole season finales? Obviously there can be new watchers, and the heads of WH probably don’t reside at the office. Why do this on Angel? I guess it seems premature to me considering the show is in its 4th season wheras it may be the last season for Buffy. The seasons have been wonderful though so I’m not complaining.
I do want to know what Connor’s connection to the Beast is exactly, and why the Beast took the energy of the demon in the White Room.


The Sonny Bono Act has been ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court therefore, extending copyrights for 70 yrs, and 95 yrs for corporations. Looks like Mickey Mouse won’t be entering the public domain for another twenty years assuming Congress doesn’t pass another copyright act extending the limits longer.
Copyfight has more details on this decision.


The last hour has been spent in distraction techniques that seem to be working. All my grades still aren’t in. I’m missing two, and in the meantime my GPA for the semester is 2.9, which is great except that I’d like to know. I need to know. I’m scared to death that maybe I didn’t pass Professional Responsibility. The final paper was just awful, and I turned it in thinking it sucked, and the thing is I didn’t know how to improve it because it was all subjective, and the problem seemed to have no solution what so ever. The whole class gripped about it. What’s worse is that the teacher has been suspended, so I may end up with a pass/fail. I need a pass and I need a passing grade in Arbitration, or I don’t graduate in May. I have every right to freak, yet I shouldn’t because I was told the PR prof doesn’t believe in failing students. I got this from a student = hearsay. Ugh, I just want my grades in. I want to make Dean’s list too, but I doubt that will happen.
I need to calm down. Really.
On the upside choir was fun. Daniel decided we should sing a Copeland song, and when we realized it was Ching-a-ring Chaw, Katie and I groaned and then laughed. We sang it two years ago when Laurel was the director, and we realized we really don’t remember the song as well as we thought. At least I can sing the ‘ching-a-ring-a-ring’ parts. Let’s forget the part where I shrieked a few notes higher because I thought it was supposed to go that high. I think I sang Soprano 2 last time, and that’s why I got confused. There were so many good sopranos that year that the director divided us up, and we each took turns at Soprano 1 and 2. I even sang Alto 1 for ‘House on a Hill’ (which I would love to sing again, even as an alto!) by Copeland to compensate for the lack of altos compared to the abundance of sopranos. The last two years I’ve been strictly a 1, but who knows what might happen this semester. Many of the Soprano 2s have been moved to the alto position.
Anyway, I love choir, and I love that we get to sing Scarlatti and Shubert and Copeland, and a really weird Bernstein piece with some wicked high As (yay!).
And tomorrow there is a new Angel. I may have to skip the recaps. I don’t want to see a recap of the whole pity sex. EWWW.
Random, quirky blogging should return tomorrow.
One thing, this agreement does not sound good. Not all companies joined, and it has halted legislation regarding the addition of a mechanism to prevent copying, but somehow I feel there is a catch. Oh, and my copyright professor has ordered us not to buy copy protected cds. I never intended to. hehe


No real update today. I’m tired. Had a long day and it’s still not over. That and the school’s net connection has locked me out. I hate using a modem. lol


James Marsters is 40??????


It’s official. I’m never going to finish. I’m not even 50% done! By tomorrow I will be sick of html. Actually, I already am. At least Dreamweaver MX is cool, once it stopped suggesting things. Sheesh.
Bloody hell, there is no end in sight!
In other news I read this interesting article about Angel and Spike and their soulful status. hehe. It left me drooling. Not because of their analysis exactly, but rather about what they said would be interesting if it did happen. Can you imagine Spike as a future cast member of Angel. The thought is enough to make me giddy!!
And I don’t care what everyone else thinks, I think Buffy and Spike are great for one another. I mean, look at Showtime. I almost cried.


The name Yasmin creates a dual nature in that you can be very generous and understanding, but you can also be so candid in your expression that you create misunderstanding. You struggle with the requirement to soften your expression with tact and diplomacy and to consider the feelings of others. Difficulty in accepting advice or admitting that you may have made a mistake causes you to appear to be stubborn and set in your ways. Thus, you have too often created the wrong impression, and friendships have suffered. This name does offer creative talent where there is the opportunity for ingenuity and originality. You have a tendency, at times, to have too many ideas on the go, and thus your efforts are scattered and many things do not reach completion. You are inclined to do to excess the things you like to do. You have very intense feelings and find it difficult to maintain stability and happiness. If you allowed it, temper and self-pity could be problems. Tension could cause nervous disorders, or centre in the head bringing weaknesses in the eyes, ears, sinuses, or teeth.
I took from Nicci. hehe. It’s kinda true.