@ 05 . 28 . 14 @ 01:43
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@ 05 . 23 . 14 @ 20:11
The Fermi Paradox: Where the Hell Are the Other Earths?
Everyone feels something when they're in a really good starry place on a really good starry night and they look up and see this:
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@ 05 . 23 . 14 @ 00:21
Ugh, stuff like this pisses me off.
Neighbors baffled that California woman missing for decade was kidnapped
A decade-long kidnapping saga ends when a woman, now married to her alleged kidnapper and mother to their child, contacted California authorities, police say.
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@ 05 . 22 . 14 @ 19:57
Reshared post from +Rae Azanna
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@ 05 . 22 . 14 @ 15:31
@ 05 . 22 . 14 @ 15:10
Google Fiber: You Know How Comcast Is Making Netflix Pay Extra? We Don't Do That Kind Of Crap | Techdirt
The folks behind Google Fiber have fired a not-so-subtle shot at Comcast and Verizon for their recent efforts to make companies like Netflix pay extra. As we've noted, the big last mile access broadband access providers have realized that they...
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@ 05 . 22 . 14 @ 15:00
This is what Game of Thrones would look like if it were a Disney movie
Fantastic work by Brazilian animators Fernando Mendonça and Anderson Mahanski, recreating the Game of Thrones universe as if it were designed by Disney artists. Their interpretation is spot on.
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@ 05 . 21 . 14 @ 16:35
Jerks Say Opera Star Is Too Fat to Be Good at Singing
The opera community is in what I assume is a very in-tune uproar after critics responded to one mezzo-soprano's performance with tacky, tacky cracks about her weight.
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@ 05 . 19 . 14 @ 12:35
Reshared post from +Keith Wilson
Nearly every time the 38-year-old West Philadelphian, who has limb deformities and uses a motorized wheelchair, tries to shop at The Fresh Grocer at 56th and Chestnut Streets she is forced to wait outside. Not because the store doesn’t have a way for her to get in, but because they keep the accessible entrances padlocked.
Woman in Wheelchair Fed Up Being Locked Out of Supermarket
For Quiana McKissick, there’s no such thing as a quick stop at her neighborhood grocery store. Nearly every time the 38-year-old West Philadelphian, who has limb deformities and uses a motorized...
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