@ 02 . 20 . 03 @ 11:40
I'm hot, you're not.
This should be a surprise, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. The website Hot or Not is contemplating suing the reality show for trademark infringement. Honestly, it looks like they have a case since I actually thought the show was based in part on the website, and apparently I'm not the only one.
@ 02 . 20 . 03 @ 08:38
A new bill is being introduced as a middle ground in the fight between the RIAA and MIAA and the consumer regarding copyrights. The new bill would require copy protected hardware, cds, dvds, etc to have labels, therefore giving the consumer an option as to whether they will want to buy it or not. Sounds like an excellant plan to me.
@ 02 . 19 . 03 @ 18:45
My friend JB asked me to boycott the Oscars this year, and I asked him why seeing as he's a huge movie buff. Well apparently two very good foreign films weren't nominated because of the politics behind the countries. Palestine's foreign film was rejected because it isn't recognized as a state, and an Irish film with IRA sympathies was banned precisely because of the IRA. If I find a link I'll post it.
Admittedly, I'm not too excited about the Oscars this time around, but it is very stupid of the Academy for doing what it did. They're all such hypocrites.
@ 02 . 19 . 03 @ 18:41
Anti-Terrorist message censored by a high school. A student wore a t-shirt that called Bush an international terrorist and he was promptly sent home. The school thought it would offend its large population of Arab Americans. Um, yeah...
@ 02 . 18 . 03 @ 20:58
Tonight is the last episode of Kingpin. Sunday night was just interesting, and it reminded me of OZ. For the record, Eduardo Palomo looks awful, but that's probably because of his role in the show. I still miss his Juan del Diablo character from Coraz�n Salvaje. That was when spanish soaps were actually good.
@ 02 . 18 . 03 @ 20:49
I needed a moment to calm myself after tonight's Buffy. Time as in minutes used to pick my jaw off the floor. They've done it again. Spike is back, leather jacket and snappy attitude. Let's not mention the fit I was having when he lit up. No, I am not obsessed with Spike.
::knock on the door from Spike Anonymous, you help us, we help you, yada, yada, yada...::
The episode was faboo, and I found it very interesting how Willow chose Kennedy and Dawn as power sources. Willow told Kennedy that she was chosen because of her power. This means Dawn is powerful herself, and though she isn't a potential I think there's still something there.
The last shot gave me chills. It was beyond freaky. I sincerely thought I would never lay eyes on the super vampires ever again. Boy, was I seriously mistaken. Now I'm fighting myself because I'm glancing at my spoiler bookmarks, and I want to see them, but I shouldn't. No!!!!
@ 02 . 17 . 03 @ 21:12
Posted at Bitter Magazine
I wish I were in the mood to be witty because I have a ton of things I'd like to rant about. Like Joe Millionaire and the two MJ documentaries. It's a clear sign that Americans have become repugnant when shows like these are worth airing rather than more important news or worthwhile drama.
Then again the media is a sham.
Reach the orange alert and suddenly we're being told by every tv station in America how to duct tape our windows. Then a week later our dear President finally decides to tell us not to panic while Mr. Ashcroft is busy explaining that most of the threats were lies. Really? Al Qaeda is so going to tell you when it's going to strike next. Here Mr. Ashcroft. We at the new and improved Al Qaeda corporation would just like to tell you that we're going to hit the Lincoln Memorial, and the Sears tower, oh and the White House since it bloody well did escape our grasp that last time. You did such a wonderful job torturing us and threatening us that we've decided to tell you it's going to happen on Valentine's Day.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to inform you that nothing happened.
Now Mr. Ashcroft is busy trying to figure out how take away our rights. In the meantime rumors are rampant that the current alert level will go back to yellow, and my neighbor just demanded a refund on her duct tape from the Home Depot.
Did Joe Schmo pick Zora or bondage girl?
What's on tv these days? Paranoia, bullshit, liars, cheaters, propaganda and proof that there no longer is decency on the airwaves. How can there be when news is classified as to whether some worn out musician is a good father despite having all the nose jobs.
Stop the presses! MJ has been abducted by aliens.
The media hardly reported on the world-wide demonstrations against going to war with Iraq. Sure, France is still against it, but who cares about them. They're smelly and they hate Americans. As a matter of fact, all those in favor of the French are also smelly and anti-American, including Americans. Just be careful not to say that too loud, otherwise Ashcroft will find out and have you arrested and have your citizenship revoked because your statements are so pro terrorist. Patriot Act II is on it's way after all.
As my uncle would say, the media has been bought out by the Bush administration, and well life as we know it will never be the same. That of course doesn't stop me from gripping about our substandard programming. But alas, corporate America must be under the impression that we're all white trash.
@ 02 . 15 . 03 @ 18:37
It's a day late, but better late than never. The Friday Five
1. Explain why you started to journal/blog.
It originally started as a journal, and then I decided to have a writing blog of sorts, devoted purely to my writing. Eventually it just turned into this, and I can't imagine giving it up.
2. Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not?
I try not to advertise it, especially to my family. They'd freak if they found out how much of a liberal I am. Either that or the occasional potty mouth I have developed over the years that tends to rear its ugly head in a few of my entries. Hey, it's good to be colorful. I have told a few friends from real life, and I know they read it.
3. Do you have a theme for your journal/blog?
Like I said, it was originally intended for my writing experiments, but it morphed into something bigger. When I feel like it, I try to make each and every post an artistic endeavor. It doesn't mean I'm always successful.
4. What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year?
I'm not sure I want to post anymore of my poetry or short fiction here, but I'd like to keep the rest the same. Maybe have a little bit more on social commentary and the law. Then again my blog wouldn't be the same without my Buffy/Angel/Faith ravings. A girl's got to have her obsessions. Next time on Oprah: Buffy addicts change the world.... by dominating it and renaming Washington DC to The Hellmouth.
5. Pimp five of your favorite journals/blogs.
Now see, that wouldn't be fair. I can't categorize them from best to worst. The list is on the right and they're all my favorites.
@ 02 . 14 . 03 @ 16:59
Ok, I need advice. What is the best hairspray/gel that keeps out humidity? The humidity has killed my hair, especially my bangs. It just kills them. ::laughs:: And my hair gets all frizzy and wavy, which is just gross. So um, any suggestions?
@ 02 . 14 . 03 @ 14:56
This little wench has done it again. She's using the same image except she actually downloaded it this time and uploaded it to a free server. Needless to say, I'm furious. I've contacted the server and LJ but I don't know if they'll do anything.