@ 01 . 12 . 15 @ 18:31

Gay Marriage Is Coming To Texas, So Texas Throws A Temper Tantrum
It looks very likely that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will strike down the same-sex marriage bans in its jurisdiction. This isn't surprising. Yet, Texas has decided it will throw a temper tantrum. House Bill 623 would take away the salary of any clerk attempting to comply with court rulings striking down the bans.

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@ 01 . 09 . 15 @ 16:30

This is what 8-year-old boys do when they're told to slap a girl
The public service announcement is emotionally manipulative and strategically pulls at the most basic things everyone likes (cute kids! young love!) and might even be scripted and is definitely edited nicely but still, the message is something that even children know to be true: Domestic violence is not okay.

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@ 12 . 29 . 14 @ 20:11

Yes, Medicaid Policies Are Terrible
MIT professor Andrea Louise Campbell writes an essay for Vox describing how Medicaid forces people with disabilities to live in poverty in order to receive health coverage. She focuses on Californi...

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@ 12 . 22 . 14 @ 19:41

Does The Handmaid's Tale hold up?
A few weeks ago, I mentioned to a friend that I was in the middle of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. "It’s like 1984 for feminists, right?" he asked. Sort of, I said. But it’s a lot scarier. It’s about how you’ll lose every

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@ 12 . 18 . 14 @ 04:28

Reshared post from +Becky Sarrazin

Holy shit, so they basically gave into terrorism...?

#sony   #theinterviewmovie   #theinterviewmoviecancelled   #terrorism   #northkorea  

It's Official: Sony Scraps 'The Interview'
Sony Pictures has made official what has been painfully obvious to everybody since yesterday morning, when hackers threatened to blow up movie theaters if The Interview was released next week. The ...

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@ 12 . 17 . 14 @ 17:15

The tragedy of Artesia

ImmigrationProf Blog
Information about the Law Professor Blogs Network.

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@ 12 . 15 . 14 @ 15:49

Why we're reporting on Sony's leaked info
Today on The Verge we published a story about a major operation by the MPAA to broadly and significantly impact the distribution of information, which would impact how free speech works on the...

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@ 12 . 12 . 14 @ 01:17


Reshared post from +lynn paden

a bit of #loki  cheer for your chilly #thorsday  

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@ 12 . 10 . 14 @ 19:36

Reshared post from +Wayne Radinsky

22 pictures that prove that 2014 is the future. There’s an app that translates in real time, a spoon to help those with Parkinson’s eat, holograms on ice cream, Harry Potter-esque ads in subways, libraries where you scans a QR code to get the book, astronauts taking selfies in space, giant green screens, bathrooms with smart glass that obscures the bathroom when you lock it, 128 GB flash cards, doors out of science fiction, videos pulled out of brain scans, creepy robots, mobile phones at the Vatican, transparent cars, exoplanet discoveries, bionic prosthetic arms and hands, the Oculus Rift, chemicals that reject liquid, and, well, the most amusing one, the trash can that moves to catch your trash.

22 Pictures That Prove That 2014 Is The Damn Future
You know, at least with regards to technology.

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@ 12 . 10 . 14 @ 02:59

Sounds familiar.

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