
@ 03 . 25 . 15 @ 17:55

Reshared post from +Amanda Rachelle Warren


I love all of these words! 

+Bobbi Jo Woods sent this special gift my way, and I learned 7 new words in the process. 

One of the words, ironically Laginappe  the word the list claims means "special gift" is not being used very precisely. I love this word. It is Acadienne (Cajun) and it is a "freebie" or "guest gift." 

Ineffable is one of my favorite words of all times. Ineffability is the bane of poets and the reason for our existence. 

100 Beautiful Words From The English Language That You Need To Use More
English is often cited as For those learning, trying to master the intricacies of the English Language can often pose more than few hurdles. For starters there are many words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings

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@ 03 . 24 . 15 @ 14:49

Telecoms file first lawsuits against FCC net neutrality rules
The first lawsuits against the FCC's new net neutrality rules have come in, according to The Washington Post. The Post writes that two parties — industry group USTelecom and regional service...

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@ 03 . 22 . 15 @ 22:50

I have this horrible knack of picturing how easy it will be to do a particular project.  My visual prowess is amazing.  Physically? Not so much.

I've been salivating at the chance to do Tunisian crochet.  Read the patterns. Watched the videos. Mentally prepared myself for the challenge because it looked so cool.  Then the hooks arrived on Friday, and suddenly my current project looked so boring compared to what I was planning.  So much so that I wrote up this morning determined to start my new project.

It was a bust.  A sad face bust mixed with frustration an a needed reality check.  There's a reason why I don't knit.  I may have to add Tunisian crochet to the list.  My fingers just don't comply, and what little I could do has left them achy.


@ 03 . 13 . 15 @ 15:34


Seven-year-old gets 3D-printed Iron Man prosthetic from Robert Downey Jr.
Everyone knows that some superheroes are made, not born. You don't need to be from another planet or get bitten by anything radioactive to become one — you just need the right gear. In this video...

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@ 03 . 12 . 15 @ 15:50


@ 03 . 09 . 15 @ 15:34

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Man with U.S. Birth Certificate Deported to Mexico

"A birth certificate is a basic document used to determine citizenship but it was not enough to keep Luis Jaquez in the United States. "They deported me," said Jaquez, 24 who is now living in a small house on a dirt street with his mother...

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@ 02 . 27 . 15 @ 20:15


Reshared post from +NASA

RIP Leonard Nimoy. So many of us at NASA were inspired by Star Trek. Boldly go... 


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@ 02 . 17 . 15 @ 17:23

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New Data Show Child Migrant Crisis Began Before DACA

"Newly available data—analyzed in this study for the first time—show that the massive increase in unaccompanied alien children (UACs) began before DACA was even announced in June 2012. Without knowledge of the program, the children who...

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@ 02 . 10 . 15 @ 19:36

Meet the people who have volunteered to die on Mars
Thousands of people are competing to be the first humans to travel to Mars and colonize it. The only catch--they can never come back. Ever.

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@ 02 . 06 . 15 @ 00:25

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