@ 02 . 07 . 03 @ 18:05

US Patriot Act part II
I'm not sure if this is true, and I have to go back and read it. But if it is true, then there could be serious issues in the near future.


@ 02 . 07 . 03 @ 08:27

The bad first:
What I thought would be a weekend of slacking off, relaxing, has just become something else. I actually have to do all of my assignments this weekend. Just in case....
The good news:
I made it into semi finals. I made it into semi finals! And my partner and I ranked second out of all the teams. I can't believe it! It's wonderful and stressful at the same time. I think we go against 2Ls on Monday, which isn't a guaranteed win. They could be EAP. Why they let the External Advocacy Team compete, I don't know why. My experience with them has been that they're mean. Funny, my partner and I were told we were too aggressive yesterday. Oops. The other side objected on my cross. The objection was leading. Um, yes. Overruled. Judge also said we weren't objecting enough so I need to work on that this weekend. Crash course on Evidence, woo-hoo.
Ugh, I woke up with a migraine.


@ 02 . 06 . 03 @ 13:49

Cincinnati has expanded a hate crimes law to include sexual orientation. Opponents of the expansion claim the law is providing special protections to gays and lesbians. Hmm, protection against racist crimes is ok but not for sexual orientation? These homophobes are so funny.


@ 02 . 05 . 03 @ 21:35

Posted at Bite Me
"That slayer, she's a pistol."
And thus begins a quite evening with Angelus. Will he or won't he tell the Fang Gang what they want? Not without a few emotional beatings to make it all worth while. Angelus is evil, evil, evil and I'm loving it.
Wesley's Interrogation: Wes has this tough exterior, but tonight he reminded me of what he was like in Season 3 of Buffy. You could just see it in the way he talked that he was excited to talk to the Angelus. As if all the research he had done could prepare him. How wrong he was, because underneath that exterior Angelus made it seem like he was nothing other than the dork from that past. And then he mentions Faith. She's on her way.
It was amusing to see Angelus react to Angel's fantasy. He has such disdain for his good alter-ego. Even though it doesn't phase him, there's nothing worse for Angelus than to be turned back into Angel. He also mentioned "The Weight of the World." Wasn't this a title?
Gunn and Fred "I can't help myself it's all so gripping" This is so bad of me, but I love the way he said this. Apparently mousy Fred is a goddess in bed. This of course isn't enough to stay Gunn's jealousy, which reaches a boiling point after the confrontation with Angelus. I feel bad for Gunn. He reminds me of Xander in a way because he's the most normal of the bunch. He's not smart like Wes, so he doesn't stimulate Fred intellectually. He's just the brawns, with a loud mouth, which tends to get annoying. I just hope they do something with him soon.
Connor 1. He needs a haircut 2. Methinks he's worse than Dawn! 3. It was touching to see the way he reacted to the dead family. As much as he can be annoying, it's a reminder that this is a teenage boy thrust into a world he isn't quite familiar with, and what he considered family is dead. His 'new' family has turned into a bad case of Oedipus Rex, so in a way it's normal the way he's reacting. I felt sorry for him, but can he get over it now? His time with Angelus was interesting, as well. That boy wouldn't hesitate to kill Angelus. My question is, why does Connor insist that he can beat his own father. He hasn't before?
Cordelia Ok, what is so great about having her at the end if Angelus helps? And was there a hidden meaning with the twins comment? This episode demonstrates yet again how much Cordy has changed. She's more assertive, and when she shares onscreen time with Angelus, she holds her own. She did better than anyone else. Probably because she did offer something in return for his information. Then again, Angelus is smart. He must have known that she would go back on her promise, just like he probably suspected that the priestesses were dead. I wonder, is Cordy really a screamer?
The flashback and the whole priestess spiel was interesting but not really important unless the banishment spell plays a big role in the future. I did like how Angelus declined the Beast's offer. Just because I love that Angelus is a smart ass. Have I mentioned how much I like him?
One last thing. Who stole the soul? Maybe the Beast snuck in while everyone was having a go at each other. Or maybe the Beast used the banishment spell to banish the soul? I still think Angelus is a part of the Beast's plan.
I enjoyed this episode. I really liked that Sean Astin directed it. The episodes just get better and better, and I can't wait for next week.


@ 02 . 04 . 03 @ 21:15

Proof that Kingpin isn't putting latinos in a bad light: Miguel actually helps put the children to bed. Not all men but a majority still believe that it's the woman's job to deal with the children, not the man. Not only does Miguel help out, he plays with his children and has an active role in their life. That and his wife works and she's white. That's major.


@ 02 . 04 . 03 @ 21:09

"Pinches gringos"
Oh boy. I'm getting a kick out of this show.
Ay caray, el general bajo sus pantalones como si nada. Siempre tiene que ser una competencia para ver quien tiene los huevos mas grandes. jaja


@ 02 . 04 . 03 @ 19:09

Buffy is on. yay! Spike looks yummy.
Can I just say how erie it was to see scenes from season 4 in the "previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer." The initiative. Wow. Riley. Please, don't send him back.
Then of course there's the Tara death scene and the flaying.


@ 02 . 04 . 03 @ 11:32

Look! I was right. The criticism is already beginning to pour in. Oh well. I'm still watching Kingpin tonight while I work on my direct and cross for tomorrow.


@ 02 . 03 . 03 @ 20:19

I watched Kingpin last night, and I just have to say: What a great show! I spent most of the hour cracking up. Everything about the show just seemed right on. We Mexicans really do talk like that. And the fact that there were so many bad words in Spanish had me very much amused. I'm glad not everything was subtitled, and I'm glad that no character on the show was reduced to a stereotype.
I know there are some latino groups who are ready to trash the show because they think it makes us look bad, and my answer to that is to get real. The Mexican Mafia exists, and to claim that it portrays minorities in a negative light is both stupid, and promotes censorship. Neither is good.


@ 02 . 02 . 03 @ 20:43

Ok, I took this from Steph. Answer in the comments.
1. What is my name (first only)?
2. When/where/how did we meet?
3. Do I do drugs?
4. Do I believe in God?
5. One word to describe me:
6. How old am I?
7. Natural hair color?
8. Do I have any siblings, if yes how many?
9. What state do I live in?
10. What is the best feature about me?
11. Am I shy or outgoing?
12. Have you ever seen me cry?
13. What songs make you think of me?
14. What is my favorite type of music?
15. Favorite food?
16. Worst personality trait?
17. Favorite color?
18. I am obsessed with:
19. Who is my best friend?
20. Do you love me (okay, this one is a little much)?

tag me



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