@ 06 . 02 . 03 @ 18:46

McD's sues Italian critic because the guy just didn't like the fast food's meal. Seriously, not everyone is supposed to like rubber.


@ 06 . 02 . 03 @ 14:13

Question: Anyone have tips on how to survive studying for the bar? I thought school was bad, but this is actually a little worse, or maybe it's just me. I seriously feel like such a 1L. Looking over Torts and Contracts I've realized that I've forgotten most of it. A whole years' worth that I'm supposed to remember in a week. This of course does not include Property, which I know nothing about because our section had the misfortune of having a terrible teacher, and Con Law, which I love but I'll probably feel clueless there too. The group was going over Crimes today, but I had to miss because of what happened yesterday. I'm so behind. Maybe this is why I'm so anxious.
Did I mention? I'm going to pass the bar. And even if I start to doubt myself, I'll just say it again. I will pass the Texas Bar Exam. Not just that, I'm great at multiple choice, so I should be just fine.
I will pass the bar.
Damn the Board of Law Examiners. Those sadists. They derive pleasure out of seeing us bleed tears of stress as we pour over line after line of future estate interests, and the elements of negligence (duty, breach, causation, damages). They have mens rea. And I really don't quite remember what that means yet.
C'est la vie.


@ 06 . 02 . 03 @ 13:42

Jonni rocks my world. You know why. Thank you so much. I will be watching Season 1 all week now.


@ 06 . 01 . 03 @ 18:54

Bank card stolen. Money lost. Not happy. Not happy at all.


@ 05 . 31 . 03 @ 18:49

Yazzy has no will power whatsoever. Now that I have read it, I think it's a rumor or very bad fan fiction. Am cringing.
Am I the only one who is uncertain about whether wanting Spike to be the subject of the Shanshu prophecy? Granted, Spike did a major thing. I'd just hate to think he'd lose his uber cool self as a human, which is why the potential spoiler would fit.
But, but, a slayer? A male slayer? I don't think so.


@ 05 . 31 . 03 @ 18:11

Damn Hercules!!!!! He just posted spoilage on AICN that details how Spike comes back. I haven't highlighted the text yet, and it could be fabricated, but damn it. I have no will power!!


@ 05 . 31 . 03 @ 18:05

Information is supposed to be a good thing, but after reading up on people's reactions to the side effects of topamax, I'm near panic level. I just found out today that it messes with another med I'm on. I should have gone with Imitrene or something. Ack! Maybe I should just chill. Mom doesn't get any bad side effects, so I should be ok, right.


@ 05 . 31 . 03 @ 17:24

Streisand sues over a picture of her California home. She claims it's an invasion of her privacy.
Why oh why do I not have any sympathy for this woman? Not because of the impending lawsuit, but just in general. I've never been a fan.


@ 05 . 30 . 03 @ 21:56

The person who got me Buffy Season 1 on DVD so rocks my world. You really do, and thank you. I haven't received it yet, but I've been checking my mailbox religiously. Maybe I'll have it by tomorrow. lol
Saw the doctor today. He officially diagnosed me with migraines. Duh. I'm on the same medication as my mother, and he gave me samples of three meds to try when and if I get a migraine. No imitrex, thank goodness.
It was amusing though, because the doctor's little brother is a classmate supposedly. I think he was amused when he found out I graduated from St Mary's, and that the chick in the scooter was me. I think I'm amused.
Oh, and Netflix is cool. Saw some great movies too. Reviews later methinks.


@ 05 . 29 . 03 @ 20:26

Philadelphia defies the Boy Scouts. Chapter decides to include sexual orientation in its nondiscrimination policy. Now this is sweet.

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