@ 06 . 18 . 03 @ 17:57

On the first simulated MBE test that I took I scored just below 50%, and now that we've taken the second one I'm up to 50%, which is very encouraging. I'm almost there. Our goal is to get to 80%, and we have 41 days to do it before the bar. We're going to pass.


@ 06 . 18 . 03 @ 17:24

Cartoon Network will be premiering Saint Seiya in August under the name Knights of the Zodiac.
The name change makes sense seeing as I was first introduced to the series under that name in Spanish. I'm just not as thrilled that the series is finally being introduced to US audiences because it's probably going to be played during the Toonami hour, therefore it will be BUTCHERED!!!!
The one good thing is that the episodes will finally be available on DVD. Here's hoping they're the uncut version.


@ 06 . 16 . 03 @ 08:30

It's official. Spurs fans are psycho.


@ 06 . 14 . 03 @ 23:08

You know we still live in an unconfortable world when a woman feels she has to kill herself because she wasn't able to give her husband a son. It infuriates me because these poor women have no idea that it's the mens' sperm that decides the sex of the child, so either way they have no power over the gender, but these damn mysogynistic countries are so full of themselves that they just don't care. Well that's fine. Let them. Sooner or later they're going to run out of subservient women and then their stupid all male species won't be able to procreate (unless they become hermaphrodytes) and they'll all die out. Survival of the fittest. We all knew Darwin was good for at least something.


@ 06 . 13 . 03 @ 08:45

Spike Lee has won the first round against the TNN network. Sorry guys, no Spike TV for you yet.


@ 06 . 12 . 03 @ 20:42

Ack! Steph, what happened to your camportal? I was showing it to my friend, and it's gone. ::laughs::
Yes, I finally updated. The roomie and I are glorified dorks. I like it.
Also, my bank has partially redeemed itself. They refunded the money that was stolen from me, which is such a relief. I'm still closing the account because they charge me an arm and a leg for checking, but at least I have money, and I can afford next month's rent and pay R. for the bar review course.
I do need to call the bank tomorrow though and inquire about the investigation. The person who robbed me will be arrested if I have a say in it. That and she will never work as a CNA in the state of Texas ever again.


@ 06 . 10 . 03 @ 22:58

My muse is on a rampage. Except there is a teeny little problem. It's been crippleled by legal jargon.
Damn the Board of Legal Examiners and their sadistic practices. Now I'll never be a writer. Never will my words grace the pages of Cosmopolitan magazine. My aspirations of being the Anne Rice of now have been shattered into dozens of ... of...
brain dead......
Actually, I would give an arm and a leg to not have to read any of Rice's new stuff. To lock me up in a room with one of her newer books would be false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. I'll show you outrageous! Outrageously bad. How's character assassination for you? Shall I add that to your order with a Christopher on the side? Whipped cream you say? Sorry, it only comes with Hershey's chocolate syrup, but I assure you it's almost as good.
la madre
eres una ni�a
empe�ada en tu cuna
triste como la luna
eterna en tu soled�d


@ 06 . 10 . 03 @ 19:58

Scored an 81 on the first practice run through the MBE and I cut my hair. I'm pleased with both actually. Even though the former is rather low, I know that a few questions I got wrong simply because I didn't take the time to think them through. I know the law, and that is such a relief. As for the latter, it's cute. It's the same size as the really-needs-to-be-updated-webcam-pic which I hope to update today.


@ 06 . 10 . 03 @ 19:51

Apparently, the chances of my getting carpal tunel syndrome are much slimmer now. So I shouldn't worry too much about being a computer addict. My fingers will be agile for another five years. At least until the next study comes out contradicting this one.
Bets anyone?


@ 06 . 09 . 03 @ 19:25

Wackiest moment of the day:
Getting schmoozed by an Italian who once convinced he had me reeled in quoted the following lines from "Caressing Skin"
'My anticipation.
Sliding languidly up this painted face,
like bitter kisses caressing skin.'
In the immortal words of Monty Python sayeth I to Nik and my roommate, "Runaway, runaway."
Rule 1: You don't impress me by quoting my poetry (no matter how great) via icq.
Rule 2: When you quote lines like the above, you really do give mixed signals, and since I'm not in the mood for entanglement with middleaged balding men from Italia, the answer is no.

tag me



miscellaneous excess

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