@ 07 . 17 . 03 @ 09:11
For the record I would just like to say that I will be boycotting the Emmy's once again, and not just because they overlooked Whedon's shows yet again. It's an ego petting fest, where the same shows get nominated over and over again no matter how poorly they did this season. They even added a reality category!
@ 07 . 15 . 03 @ 15:37
Claudette is here. It started out nice and sunny today and by noon the sky had become overcast. Now it's raining, and it's supposed to keep raining till Thursday. I've never been in a hurricane before.
Anyway, I'm back from Mexico. And, it was fun.
@ 07 . 06 . 03 @ 17:30
Now I'm up to 45%. Final score: 90 out of 200. It's still no confort.
@ 07 . 06 . 03 @ 14:20
Just a quickie I guess since I'm know to never shut up even when I'm well intentioned. Just finished another 200 questions this weekend, and I can't say how I did. I haven't graded the sheet yet. I will soon. I'm apprehensive.
Today is threatening to turn into one of those crying days for no reason.
There are three weeks to the bar.
I still have not caved in and said I will fail the bar, but in my dreams my subconscious mind has been tempted. I think I need to stab it and then treat it with peroxide and a bandaid. Then I'll feel better. Then I'll feel better.
John G., the roomie and I went to see T3 on Friday, and it was actually so much better than I expected. I really, really liked it. The trailer made the movie look cheesy. The TX looked cheesy. In the movie she freaked me out. And when I wasn't sitting there slowly sliding down in my seat, I would at times glance to my right and laugh because Katie was laughing at John because he was being the typical man.
After the movie, he dropped us off and friends came over for hamburgers. It was fun.
Tuesday I fly to Mexico for a few days. It should be mildly relaxing. Time away from the group. Time to see the family. Time to deal with those who have departed. Mom turns 50 on Wednsday and we eat posole that Saturday to celebrate. I get receipes for future cooking, and I shift into memorization mode.
Oh yeah, I found out, I get to take the bar here. yay
@ 07 . 01 . 03 @ 20:06
There are bloggers who are taking the bar and they are blogging. Thank god!!! I'm not the only one.
I can't tell you how happy I am. Now I really do need to stop procrastinating and finish typing up the notes. I just can't help it if my eyes hurt and I'm still reeling from a revisit to real property and contracts. But I think I get it now. At least I understand easments and covenants that run with the land.
Fuck it. This weekend I'm scoring over 50 percent. And there's no point in stressing. I've done close to 1500 questions. There should be some improvememt somewhere.
@ 07 . 01 . 03 @ 19:35
Apparently, we soon to be lawyers have issues with sobriety, and law schools really do need to do something about it.
This article cracks me up. What did they expect. That the problem would solve itself? My school is a prime example about how no one cares what happens to the students, including the administration. The SBA was known more for its social events, not the little meetings we put on that were supposed to be insightful.
"Coming to a pub near you, dollar drinks and free beer till midnight this Friday at Fatsos!" Dean So and So sure as hell wasn't around passing out fliers about the virtues of sobriety (No, he was probably writing his next bullshit speech meant to either to demean the third years or sucker the alumni into another year of his so-called draconian plan of reformation). Students were there to drown away the stresses of the week. "Socratic method my ass. Let me pass in peace and humilate co-counsel for once!"
Isn't that what the law school experience is all about?
In all seriousness, I was bothered by the 'lets get sloshed' mentality of my classmates, but to each there own. I couldn't blame them for it. Alcohol was their poison, mine has always been food. That and should the law schools start instituting policies geared towards helping the students cope with their stress that doesn't involve alcohol, I seriously doubt my school would care. Then again I am now part of the alumni. Hmmm I can feel the power course through my fingertips.
Ah false illusions of grandeur. There's nothing like it.
Link shamelessly stolen from Alice.
@ 06 . 30 . 03 @ 20:59
Can it be August yet? Let's skip the part where I have to take the bar and just go to August, shall we? I'm still at bloody under 50 percent and there are 30 days left people.
Not going to panic. Not going to give up. I will pass the bar. I'm just going to nearly kill myself trying, but where there is a will there is a way.
Actually, what really has me nervous is the fact that I'm going up to 100mg on the topamax tonight. The side effects are brutal, which is why I'm glad I did the last 100 questions tonight instead of tomorrow. I still only got 40 right. Oy.
@ 06 . 29 . 03 @ 18:07
The Republican House Leader is backing up a proposal for an amendment restricting marriage to that between a male and a female. He's quoted as saying that marriage is a sacrament. Well if it is, then government has no business getting involved in religion to begin with. Say it how you will, the nation is full of homophobes and they will use flawed reasoning to justify passing something that is harmful and stupid. And they have no right to use religion. And I'm sitting here laughing that he used the word 'sacrament' to back up his reasoning.
At the same time, the fight for gay rights is far from over and this proves it. I can only hope that the proposal for the amendment dies down as quickly as it did the first time.
Why can't we be like Canada?
@ 06 . 29 . 03 @ 17:35
It's breaking news, so there is no link but it seems that another legend has passed. May you rest in peace Katherine Hepburn.
Edited to add:
Here's a link. Can I just say how bummed I am by this.
@ 06 . 28 . 03 @ 16:26
Looks like James Spader is joining The Practice. This is old news, which I find absolutely delightful since I worship the very ground this man treads. The thing that perplexs me is, can he really be that much more affordable than say Dylan McDermott?