@ 07 . 27 . 03 @ 13:13

Ok people, light your candles, cross your fingers and be prepared for the same spiel tomorrow because I need all the good vibes I can get. My friends and I that is, because I'm thinking about them too, but I'm thinking about me too.
It finally hit me in the gut on Friday as I said goodbye to one of my study partners, R. Now there's no turning back, and I'm absolutely terrified. I get it. Now I know why lawyers have nightmares about taking this exam. The examiners are sadists and I hope they can sleep at night because I sure as hell am not!
Tuesday, Wednsday, Thursday will be utter hell. I'm most terrified about Wednsday, which is the MBE. The 200 multiple choice questions that determine whether I will get my license or not. Six grueling hours spent bent over a piece of paper filing in little circles that may not even be right because the answers are so subtle. I know the law. I dream about it in my sleep. I can't even have a decent conversation with another human being without bringing up some legal issue sparked by some innocent comment they made. I walk and talk like a lawyer. It's maddening, yet rather thrilling. But that's besides the point.
I realize I'm venting, and that I need to vent. I just wish I knew everything would be ok. I'm not looking foward to this at all. I'm looking foward to Tuesday afternoon and the brief trip to San Marcos for clothes because of the nice weight loss I've sustained. I could use that time to study for the essays. Or I could stress myself out even more. I could look foward to Thursday afternoon, and the pretty little damage I plan on causing to my liver, which I doubt because it's like pulling teeth to get me drunk. Not just that, do I really want a hangover on Friday? As a friend would say, after taking the Texas Bar, hell yeah.
I know I'll get through this barring any further major catastrophes, and I am still firm in my resolution that I will see my section in Austin in November when we get sworn in. I just can't help being a little nervous and a little scared right now since it's right around the corner.
And to think, once this is over I'll finally have time to do things like read. I have Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix waiting for me, as well as the rest of A Clash of Kings. Real books.
It's almost over. But I'll still be pleading tomorrow. 😉
Ugh, and there I go again. I just started thinking about the different pleadings in Civil procedure. I need help!!!


@ 07 . 26 . 03 @ 22:10

I want to marry Johnny Depp. Just got back from seeing Pirates of the Carribean and I am in love! Actually I already was since I practically worship the ground the man walks on, but today just cemented it more. I loved this movie. Loved it!


@ 07 . 26 . 03 @ 08:55

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has an online database of the RIAA subpoenas sent out so far. It's updated everyday, so If you think you're on the list then it might be best to go check it out.


@ 07 . 26 . 03 @ 08:51

Evil stress made me sleep lousy last night. Die evil stress!! ::stabs it with a knife::


@ 07 . 25 . 03 @ 20:58

I get Secured Transactions!! I'm absolutely giddy. L. went through the mother of an essay question with me, and after talking through the process of attachment (ya need collateral ie. relationship between the parties, money or value, and a signed agreement) then you decided whether a security interest has been perfected, and if it has, then you look at who has priority, and voila! It's so easy. And here I thought my poor brain couldn't handle anything else.
It's rather sad. We've studied so much that we can find legal issues in practically anything. My roommate will be chatting away at some random thing and I will suddenly interject with some legal theory that I either learned in evidence or torts or any of the other subjects swimming in my head. L. and I had to watch cartoons during our lunch break today so we wouldn't start looking for the legal issues. I of course find this all amusing, and I can't wait to let it all swim out slowly on Thursday after a few shots of vodka and god knows what else.
I did also get a chance to see Tomb Raider tonight, which was absolutely fun. Better than the first movie for sure, so if you're looking for action and maybe just a tad of romance, then this is the movie for you. I'd go into detail except that I'm tired, and I'm thirsty, and I need to sleep.
I'm supposed to be relaxing these next few days, but I'm bloody fucking stressed! This calls for a return of me! Yes, I will be blogging in my true smart ass self. See, I feel better all ready!
Admit it, you missed me.


@ 07 . 25 . 03 @ 09:07

Things to do before the bar 4 days from now:
- Don't PANIC! I woke up from a dream where R. was telling me that I had missed a Business Associations question. I suck at Secured Transactions, why am I freaking out about BA?
- Finish reading Criminal Procedure
- Memorize the differences between the Texas rules and the Federal rules of evidence.
- Go over the outlines for the essay topics. I have Family Law, Wills, Trusts, BA and ::gasp:: even Property down. I'm shaky on Commercial Paper, Secured Transactions, Oil and Gas, Community Property, and Estate Administration.
- Oh yeah, the most important thing ever, I need to pay for blackglass since it expires on the 31st. It would be bad if I forgot. Very bad. I just don't know if I want to pay for two years or three years. That and I'm royally peeved at my hostees. They have no idea what awaits them August 1st.
- See Tomb Raider tonight. Relaxation is in order.
- Pay bills!


@ 07 . 22 . 03 @ 17:20

I admit that getting back to business has been a task and a half, and fortunately I'm not having guilt trips over not sticking to the strictness of the practice bar. I think I'm allowed a little lee way, given the circumstances. I'm trying. That's what matters. That, and with what is left after tomorrow I plan on using my time to finish memorizing those mnemonics that need memorizing, and playing catch up on civ and crim procedure, and the subtle differences between the Texas and Federal rules of evidence, because oh my gosh that part of the test just totally kicked my ass on Monday. But I was amused. The questions in the criminal part were hysterical though. I had to explain to my roommate why I was laughing, and I realized that it was probably a good thing that I would be taking the exam in a seperate room because only I would find humor in such things.
For instance, I was pleasantly pleased that remedial measures could be introduced into evidence in product liability cases in texas, otherwise the little girl in the case would have gotten screwed over. Of course, I could only remember the federal rule so I got it wrong, but now I know better.
Which reminds me, I don't like the rape questions in the MBE. Tricky little fuckers.
And thank you MPRE people for granting me my simple little accomodation for the test on August 8.


@ 07 . 20 . 03 @ 20:10

Private journal entry


@ 07 . 20 . 03 @ 17:32

The promo poster for Angel. I can't friggin wait till October. And yes, I realize I need to be studying, but ya have to admit, this beats procedure anyday.


@ 07 . 19 . 03 @ 18:14

Eleven days to the bar and I was dealing with a retriggered migrained that hurt so badly that I couldn't stop crying out of just pure frustration. That and stress. Stress doesn't cause them but it makes them worse. And I still have it today. It's day 5, but it's better. There will be no migraine for the bar.
Ten days to the bar today and there was another death in my family. She just dropped dead, and I just saw her a week ago, ya know. It hurts. I should have known something was wrong when I called and my cousin sounded weird. And my poor grandmother. First her husband, now her sister. This one really hurt.
And my head really hurts too.

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