
@ 07 . 01 . 10 @ 21:25

C. tells me that one of the things she first notices as a caregiver are sidewalks. She's always worried that a sidewalk will just end with a step, and I'll somehow miss it and end up in the middle of the street with a tipped over scooter at the mercy of San Antonio drivers. The city has been trying to remedy their sidewalk issues, but there are many areas where streets have no sidewalks or ramps at that. C. thinks about it because she had the misfortune of witnessing such an event a few years ago.

She was driving down a busy street, and she said she noticed a wheelchair user on the sidewalk on her left side, except the woman's chair was at an angle and she was holding on to a far wall. The sidewalk had no ramp, only an uneven step that had caught one of the front wheels, and she was falling. C. couldn't get to her because she was in the middle lane, but she noticed that another car had pulled up and was going to help the woman. The moment has stayed with her since.

I think about moments like these every time I take the bus home from work. The sidewalks are worn and cracked. I have to go around certain areas because my wheels don't cushion the way the jagged concrete feels as I go over it. When the city decided to repave the street next door, they fixed the ramps, but it took two weeks before they re-added them, and I had to take to the street, my scooter a pretend car.

And San Antonio wonders why it has so many disabled fatalities.


@ 06 . 30 . 10 @ 08:35

Hulu has revealed their new subscription model called Hulu Plus, and for $10 month you can access present and past seasons of tv shows. The downside? There are still commercials.

Honestly,  I still think Netflix is the better deal here.  For $10 a month you can see tv shows without commercials and get a disc in the mail.  Oh, and if I want to see my favorite tv show, I'm sure I could find other means without having to be bombarded by senseless commercials.

Via gizmodo.


@ 06 . 29 . 10 @ 20:49

San Antonians panic when they hear the word "hurricane," especially if one happens to be headed towards the Gulf region. The city is no where near the coast, yet it's close enough to feel the effects of a Category 1 storm. Which is why our local forecasters seem to think it's their civic duty to warn us of some impending doom everytime a tropical storm enters the Gulf of Mexico. Then all the bottled water, perishables, and ponchos disappear from Walmart and HEB, and by the end of hurricane week, precious few drops have spilled on our flood-proned streets, and our local grocers are all the richer.

Well, it appears that Hurricane Alex will not be gracing San Antonio with a category, but we are expecting some decent quantities of rain. I'm actually not looking forward to it, because there are no ponchos to be found!

Unlike most people, yours truly cannot use an umbrella. I think I'd fly away with one... Anyway, I'm forced to use public transit for the next few days, and since were expecting near torrential rains, a poncho would be nice. Except, none are to be had in this panic stricken city of mine. Maybe tomorrow?


@ 06 . 28 . 10 @ 20:42

Ain't It Cool had a present for me today. Yes, new Harry Potter for me to see. Watch the trailer and revel in the realization that November isn't that far off (though quite far enough for those all important deadlines). And cry with me because it's a two-parter!

Twilight be damned. This is so much better.


@ 06 . 27 . 10 @ 19:26

Every four years it's the same old story.

"The referees screwed up the game!"

"Brazil was shafted!"

Etc, etc, etc...

I saw two matches today that had fantastic goals, poor sportsmanship, and hideous refereeing.  It's the same old story and unfortunately it seems like the same teams are headed for the finale.  Would an instant replay feature have changed the circumstances?  Better refereeing?  Maybe.  See, soccer isn't just a contact sport.  It's mental too.  So when you see one side score on the other side, one of two things can happen:  the other side psyches out and attacks agressively and succeeds in evening the score, or they fall apart.

England fell apart because the refereeing sucked, and they played horribly.  Mexico started out strong and Argentina scored when they were offsides, but seeing as the referees somehow are BLIND, this did not matter.  The Mexican team deflated and lost.

My only wish now for this World Cup is for someone new to win.

Afterwards, FIFA needs to join the 21st Century.


@ 06 . 24 . 10 @ 20:16

Pandora is now playing the "Bad Romance" recording sung by the Glee cast.  So awesome!!

When did they add Glee?  I don't care.  I love it.  Pandora is crack.  And this cover is pretty great.

Oh no, "Alejandro" just started playing (Lady Gaga Station playing here).  I think I enjoy the music video more than the actual song, which is catchy, but by the time Gaga starts repeating the name over and over again it feels like someone is taking a hammer to my head!  Alejandro will not go away.  She's made her point.


@ 06 . 23 . 10 @ 18:59

My parents came to visit this past weekend.  There was some conference in town my dad had to attend, and it was a great chance for me to see them even though we had just crossed paths at my brother, B's, wedding two weeks earlier.  And the best part?  I spent part of Father's Day with my dad.  I hadn't done that in years.

While they were here mom and I had a chance to catch up (though the phone does a great job of that), and she handed me a diary.  She said she found it and thought I would want it.  I looked at it and didn't recognize it.  I remember all my unfinished diaries.  This wasn't one of them, and I told her.  I kept it, and she said she would send me the other one.

Well today I decided to break into the diary.  By break in I mean it's one of those old ones with a tiny lock that uses a tiny key that disappeared years ago.  I had one of those too, but I'm pretty sure I have that one in my posession.  I hope...

So I manage to open this book, and it only has one page written in it.  One.  And I was right.  It's not mine.  I skim it, and I nearly break into tears because it's about me!  I'm such a horrible sister for even glancing at this one written page.  I've tresspassed on something I should never have read.  Never!

I blame my mother.


@ 06 . 22 . 10 @ 07:04

So much is going on today I don't know how to fit it in.

Mexico and Argentina have matches today.  Thankfully both play at seperate times.  I just had this sick thought in my head that the Mexican players might lose, because they always screw things up and barely pass into the next round.  Hopefully not this time.  I can't deal with it!

And then there's work.  I have tons of work.  But I enjoy being busy.

Hmmm... Good Morning America is reporting that the Obama Administration is going to sue Arizona over their immigration bill.  Fascinating!


@ 06 . 20 . 10 @ 20:28

So, apparently WP doesn't add automatic pagebreaks for you?

Is this correct?

Edit: Maybe it does...


@ 06 . 20 . 10 @ 03:07

I am awesome!

tag me



miscellaneous excess

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