
@ 08 . 10 . 12 @ 21:25

Have you heard the one about the nun?  You know who?  Loyal and meek, always obedient.  Our Father raised man to be the ultimate sinful being.  The woman submitting to his command.  How  dare a nun (woman) disobey the teachings of her patriarchal faith?  Really, it's just fascinating.

So the Vatican has decreed that American nuns have lost their way and failed to vilify the people and ideals it finds distasteful.  Submit or be excommunicated.  And yet these wonderful women have taken their time to hear the Vatican's message and decide in the most rational matter how to proceed.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious was held over the last few days to decide how to reply to the Vatican.  The leadership within the Church has concluded that the majority of American nuns aren't sufficiently Catholic.  What it is exactly that they've failed to do is vague, but it includes a necessity to condemn homosexuality, birth control and abortion.  Catholic decrees that have weakened with the modern age.  This is of course the same Church that protects abusive priests, forbids them to marry (unless you're already a priest, married and Episcopalian), and believes women cannot be priests.  However, if you're a nun, that's ok.

Imagine a female pope!

The Catholic Church may take decades to catch up to the now.  So it's admirable to see these American sisters come together and decide to continue the conversation with the Vatican.  There's no submission and no break with the faith.  There's dialogue.  And though I can't pretend to know what the ultimate end might be, I sincerely hope for the best.  For them.


@ 08 . 06 . 12 @ 17:44

The workshop for the DREAMers was a success on Friday. We had around 70 people show up to get pre-screened. I heard Austin had over 100. People wanted to know if they qualified, and I'm just sorry we couldn't give them any more answers than what had already been released by the government. And now that DHS has elaborated some more on the process, there's still no easy solution. I think the suggested process is still more muddled than clear.

I do know one thing though, and it's the fact that some people will get scammed. By notarios. By attorneys. And they'll walk into our office seeking a consultation so that we can explain why they're in trouble. My only consoltation, is that these DREAMers are a savy bunch. They won't be easily duped.


@ 08 . 05 . 12 @ 09:35

WREX, a 3D-printed robotic exoskeleton for disabled children.

Awesome. Just awesome. Never in a million years could I have imagined such progress like this, but the fact that technology is being adapted to assist the disABLED is just plain awesome. If only something like this had been around when I was born.


@ 08 . 03 . 12 @ 07:43

I have so much to say and no time to say it. As is, I have to get ready to go to work in a few, but my mind just won't shush up.

Really, I'm either too busy watching tv (or streaming it because, hello, Olympics), reading Crime and Punishment (yes, I'm a book snob), or messing around with my computer. Then of course there is my job, which has no schedule. I may work 8 to 5, but in my field, work is never really done. We're having a DREAM Workshop today, and we fully expect to be finished by 5, but considering all the calls we have been receiving, it's going to be packed! I can't wait.


@ 07 . 30 . 12 @ 21:26

Today was slightly stressful.  The Pizza Hut garlic bread pizza was just awful.  And I've had it up the wazoo with a person who has to have the last word.  I ain't doin' it!  Seriously.


@ 06 . 29 . 12 @ 07:22

It's Friday.

I can wear jeans to work. My friends and I will be going to see Magic Mike. It should be a laid back day.

But damn if I'm not freaking out. I royally screwed up this week, and I'm dreading the repercussions. I need an angel on my shoulder... or something.


@ 06 . 08 . 12 @ 16:23

The Gunslinger by Stephen King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I know who the man in black, but I'm not telling.

Seriously, what a revelation. I had completely forgotten everything about this book the first time I read it. The second book is actually more memorable because of the horrifying first scene, yet this doesn't make The Gunslinger, as the first in The Dark Tower series, any less fascinating.

It's a character study, and adventure story that isn't afraid to be realistic with the choices Roland makes. In typical King fashion, nothing occurs the way you expect, and I love that. It also pisses me off, because seriously, why, Roland why?

It's a great book. Read if you haven't, reread if you have it.

View all my reviews


@ 02 . 20 . 12 @ 22:24

Forgive the silence. It's been hellish.

The bar exam is next week. I still can't believe I'm taking it again. Some days I feel physically ill. That is until today. My re-accreditation came in the mail, so I'm clear to do immigration law for three more years. Three more years of proving how awesome I am while some attorneys look down on me. Yet I'm the one who gets the calls for my asylum expertize.


I want my damn license.

Will someone hug me if I utterly fail... again.


@ 02 . 20 . 12 @ 22:09

Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

For shame! I read this book after having seen Legend of the Seeker which is based on the series of novels, and I can say I think I liked the tv series better.

The main character is such a Mary Sue! He gets the crap beaten out of him, has magical anger issues, and becomes an unwilling (willing!) slave in a BDSM hookup with a Mord-Sith, yet by the end he's all peachy keen.


It must be the partitioned brain of a Seeker.

Ugh, what horrible character writing.

Kudos, for keeping me entertained, but that's it.

View all my reviews


@ 11 . 29 . 11 @ 22:16

Holder in due course...hello Commercial Paper!

After 5 years I still remember what that means. A part of me wants to freak out, but another part of me is saying: BRING IT ON!!

I'm aceing this sucker.

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