@ 04 . 10 . 14 @ 19:12
I've started playing a game as I make the trek to work. At the busiest intersections I'll count the vehicles that drive by and keep track of any drivers that appear to be pretending to be expert multitaskers. Of the twenty that I counted today, three drivers were visibly chatting on their cellphones. Yesterday, a woman was applying lipstick. She also happened to be in an SUV. Reminded me of the time I almost got hit by a woman who was too busy applying makeup to notice me there. She also happened to be driving an SUV.
See that's the thing about San Antonio drivers. The vast majority are so self absorbed, deeply focused in their own little worlds that they rarely if ever notice the people around them. My biking friends always get hit by cars. For the ones who have died, there's no legal recourse for their families. Instead you hear comments. Snide remarks under breath from people who think bikers are a nuisance. In Texas vehicles are king. Everything else is just insignificant. So bikers, wheelchair users or pedestrians need to shut up and put up.
Which is why I'm playing my game. It keeps me sane. And who knows, maybe I'll catch someone doing something egregious. Catch them in the act and publish it to the web for everyone to see. One can dream.
@ 04 . 10 . 14 @ 16:44
Parents Of Autistic Kids Sue Disney Over New Waiting Line Policy
In an effort to discourage some ethically questionable visitors who had been hiring disabled "tour guides" (or who pretended to be disabled themselves) in order to skip long lines at Disney park at...
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@ 04 . 10 . 14 @ 14:50
'Gospel of Jesus's Wife' likely isn't a modern forgery, scientists claim
A controversial document that suggests that Jesus of Nazareth had a wife is most likely ancient and not a modern forgery, according to a paper published today in the Harvard Theological Review....
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@ 04 . 07 . 14 @ 15:34
Immigration judges in Minnesota face a 3,000 case backlog | Borderzine
By Mark Brunswick and Alejandra Matos High school senior Moise Damey, working out for his track team, is “in limbo” awaiting his mother’s next
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@ 04 . 05 . 14 @ 16:20
Reshared post from +Gwenny Todd
FINALLY – a clothing store uses a diverse range of models and the results are amazing
Finally – someone gets it right! If you know your way around the fashion industry, you’re familiar with the term “Lookbook.” Companies use lookbooks to showcase specific designs or a store’s upcoming seasonal lines. Usually, they’re filled with slim, caucasian models that have been used on runways and the majority of the fashion industry for […]
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@ 04 . 03 . 14 @ 16:23
How to Make Google Drive Work Like a Desktop Suite
Google Drive, and the apps in it--Docs, Sheets, and Slides--are great for people looking for a simple Office suite. It's free, makes collaboration easy, and pretty much anyone can use it. But if you're used to something more traditional, like Microsoft Office, you may be hesitant to use it. Here's how to make Google Drive work more like the desktop suites you're used to.
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@ 04 . 03 . 14 @ 15:18
Mobile Spyware Use In Domestic Violence Ramps Up | Techdirt
We recently wrote about the emergence of NSA-like spying platforms for mobile devices. Ostensibly designed and marketed for worried mothers and/or employers to monitor their children and/or employees, reports instead indicate a more nefarious use...
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@ 03 . 27 . 14 @ 15:39
Lizz Winstead Op-ed: Quit Trying To Get Crafty With Our Rights
[This op-ed is by Lizz Winstead, co-creator of The Daily Show and Lady Parts Justice - Mark]
The most important takeaway from yesterday’s Hobby Lobby argu...
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@ 03 . 26 . 14 @ 23:30
Reshared post from +Gwenny Todd
Mother’s Groundbreaking Invention Helps Wheelchair-Bound Children Walk For The First Time
Nothing inspires and creates solutions faster than necessity. For Debby Elnatan, mother to a little boy named Rotem, finding a way to help him walk was crucial to managing his cerebral palsy - and now she’s sharing her innovation so other parents can benefit as well. Desperate for a way to enhance Rotem’s mobility, Debby developed […]
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