I’m actually bored right now. Bored and sleep deprived and contemplating whether I should try writing something. Social commentary would be fun. Even if it means major Bush bashing, but really that’s a can of worms I don’t feel like opening.
I just found out that Title II of the ADA is at risk of being declared unconstitutional. That’s just beyond freaky.
The fact that anything qualifies as disabled is infuriating, but it’s because of these "so-called" disabled that all our rights are being taken away. I don’t care if you have anxiety disorder. Unless it prevents you from leaving your house, you shouldn’t be claiming any benefits or any rights that don’t belong to you. I can do less than you physically but hell, I don’t let that stop me. Thanks to you though, I’m the one getting cheated.
So you’re obese. Go on a diet. Stop binging on food and feeling sorry about yourself and go exercise for a change. You may actually fit in an office chair after a few months.
Boo hoo, my employer fired me because I can only work 5 hours a week due to my lazinessImeanantisocialdisorder that keeps meclubbingatnightandunabletowakeupinthemorning. File with EEOC and good luck!
Granted, not everyone abuses the system, and stuff like obesity, anxiety, disorders may be legitimate. Except I’ve run into people who work the system because they can and not because they need it. It’s always the few that ruin it for the many, and I hate that.
By the way, here’s something funny:
Author: lekiare
::picks her jaw up off the floor:: Suddenley, Angel is really, really good. I mean, the whole Angelus thing is brilliant. The Beast is scary, and I have a feeling he wants Angelus back. Why else plunge LA into endless darkness? Right? But why don’t Wes and the others see this? And how is the Beast controling Angel.
I loved this episode. The beginning was actually scary. I knew something would happen, but I didn’t expect the Beast to rip through the demon’s chest. Actually, the episodes are getting very graphic.
The whole Gwen/Angel/Cordelia thing was amusing. It’s good that Angel and Cordy are talking, but I loved how he used Gwen to make Cordy jealous. It made for some funny moments including Cordy’s remarks, which I miss. I don’t know what will happen between Cordy and Angel, but I like what’s happening, even if they aren’t together. They just need to stop showing the Cordy/Connor scene.
Connor wasn’t as annoying this episode, and I felt bad that he got thrown around like a ragged doll by the Beast. For a second I thought the boy was going to die, and yes I was mildly disappointed he didn’t pass out. Someone needs to cut his hair.
Something is going to happen in the Gunn/Wes/Fred triangle. Gunn wasn’t as focused on Wes this time, but you could tell he was very bothered when Fred and Wes decided to open the portal. Gunn’s jealousy might get out of control soon, and Fred is beginning to act not so innocent anymore. She’s alot like Wes on a smaller level. Perhaps they are a better pair, but that’s not going to stop me from feeling bad for Gunn.
Lorne was just there. They have to do something with him soon. Please.
The previews for next week also made me gawk. That wicked smile. God, I’ve missed Angelus. I think the rest of the season is going to have me on the edge of my seat.
And kudos to Mutant Enemy for their In loving memory to Glenn Quinn. That was really touching.
I’m sure I have more to say, except I’m having trouble articulating it. This has been the best episode I’ve seen in a while.
The new layout for blackglass.org is up. I’m quite happy.
A judge has just dismissed a suit against McDonalds because it failed to prove the fast food chain was responsible for children’s obesity. Here’s some advice for the lawyer. Sue the parents.
I was the recap person for three fellow students today in regard to Buffy and Angel, and now more people have been made aware of my obsession. Not like I was trying to hide it, but while I was giving Brooke the whole rundown, we scared Matt away. I saw him later and apologized, and his companion and I started talking about the show!! Poor Matt. Then I went to class and Amanda asked me to tape it for her.
I’m amused.
Anyway, ‘Potential’ is back on. Be back later.
So, it’s no surprise that the winner of the worst dressed at the Golden Globes is Lara Flynn Boyle. For a second I thought it was Bjork walking on stage, and I thought, what the hell is she doing??? But it wasn’t B, it was L and I think she’s been hanging around Jack Nicholson far too long.
It was sad to see Daniel Day Lewis lose to Jacko too. I loved Day’s portrayal of Bill the Butcher. Then again I haven’t seen About Schmidt so it’s very possible Jacko deserved it.
The interesting thing about last night (besides the excruciating headache) was Richard Gere’s speech. I was watching him and flipping to Oz (oh my God they killed Sahib!! not cool), and the funny thing was that I kept flipping back and forth between both channels and Gere still hadn’t finished with his speech. Sorry I missed it.
I was so sure Eminem was going to win too, but I guess I was wrong. The fact that U2 won is cool though. One thing, why wasn’t "Gollum’s Song" from TTT nominated? It’s a much better song than Madonna’s "Die Another Day." I hope it gets nominated for the Oscars.
And that was my Golden Globes commentary. Not a biggie. Now I have to go and read DTPA and Copyright law for tomorrow while I listen to my just-converted-to-mp3 TTT soundtrack. It didn’t convert the bonus track, and that bugs me.
‘American Idol‘ is being sued for age discrimination. Apparently if you’re fifty you aren’t idol material. It’s just not sexy enough.
Music jobs are at risk of being lost thanks to music piracy. This is of course coming from the big recording industries in Europe. The same part of the industry that overbilled on its cds.
From Dark Horizons:
"Angel (TV): Nicholas Brendan appears to be the most likely "Buffy" cast member to jump ship to "Angel" if the buffster ends this year."
It’s not Spike, but having Xander on the show would make things very, very interesting.
I did it, I did it, I did it!!!! I have the most awesome layout for blackglass. At least it’s different and spiffy and it’s a white layout with black and that’s it. It will go up tomorrow so stay tuned.
Oh, Brad Pitt is at the Golden Globe awards. Yummy!!