T h e . s t o r y t e l l e r - +

. prologue .

Myriads of grey spots outline the figure on the screen. The features are indiscriminate, yet the voice, deep and the slightest bit shaken, blares through like the light from a lighthouse piercing through the fog.

“The Secretary of Nations issued and order today prohibiting all non-licensed citizens from crossing county lines. This, after last night’s riots in which 45 people were killed. Several hundred individuals were injured with more casualties expected, and officials estimate that damage done to businesses and homes surrounding the area will reach over 2 billion dollars. Our correspondent, Enika Jones, is standing by with more information.”

“Witnesses report that the rioting began just shortly after midnight when an unidentified woman shot an unarmed man with his child just outside Club Dido. When the police failed to persue the woman, pedestrians on the street and the club began to yell obscenities and throw objects at enforcement officials. Re-enforcements arrived minutes later throwing tear gas into the crowd, yet these attempts proved unsuccesful. Rioting spread from the district and converged in the center of the city, where police from several counties were able to contain the situation. What means were used is as of yet unknown.”

“What ramifications do you think the Secretary’s orders will have on the people living in the affected areas?”

“Well, nothing is for sure just yet, William, but the word on the street is that more outrage is to follow. Some demagorn claim that the order is unfair to their class, and that the local law enforcement should be punished, not them.”

“And the identity of the man?”

“There is no official word on this either, but some speculate that the man was the leader of a terrorist Demagorn sect.”

“Thank you, Enika. The Secretary is scheduled to hold a press conference at 3 pm, and we will break from normal programing at that time to televise the event. For updates and information on the rioting tune in at 6 as we recap the night’s events. This is William Shult for MVKA News Channel 43.”

The screen flashes and a thin jittery line flickers on the screen. Silence descends.

Copyright © 2001 Yasmín E. Voglewede. All Rights Reserved